Lukas stages photographs as tableaux and creates conceptual approaches for educational art projects.
Lukas was born in Vienna in 1969 where he graduated High School. In the early 1990s he left Austria to study photography at the ENSAV de la CAMBRE Brussels and he received his Masters of Fine Arts Photography in 1995.
Questioning cultural and human values by utilizing visuals with the aim of creating illusionary moments, which are critical and promising at the time. These became inspiration of Lukas’ s concepts and projects. His visual interpretation of the 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights together with the youth of a township school near Johannesburg in 2009/10, was not only a criticism towards the United Nations ignorance to the power of the image but also to create awareness and to reach young generations.
It logically became the point of departure for further developments of education of the highest worth as creativity and play. The visual documentation of these processes together with the young people are transformed into buzz-imagery to offer all kind of supplementary use for spreading awareness.
Lukas’ projects are based on real-life-people co-operations relying on the power of visuals and the importance of creative and cultural education as well as to use an important voice in expressing (the) feelings and visions of children and young people. He is initiator and creative director of the initiative “Let the Children Play” (from 02 2016: “Child of Play”). Since 2006 he has been working in closely partnership with the Austrian artist Hannes Seebacher. Their joint concepts and projects are used for educational programs and values campaigns as they are published, exhibited and presented internationally as being awarded on an international level.